Confluence upload

Confluence upload

Table of contents

Configuring the connection

The connection requires three parameters base_url, user and pass. While user and pass don’t really need an explanation, for base_url you need to set the path to the server without rest/api, this will be added automatically.

    "confluence": {
        "base_url": "http://my_confluence_server.com/",
        "user": "my_username",
        "pass": "my_password_or_token"

If you are using Atlassian.com you might need to use a token instead of a password. You can create a token by following this documentation.

Where to upload

Now that the connection is defined, you need to tell it where you want your documentation to be uploaded.

For that you need an ancestor_id or root_id; the id of the page that will be the parent of the documentation’s homepage or the page that will be the homepage of your documentation respectively.

You can obtain a page’s id by checking the links of the actions on the page (page information, show source code, export, etc) : the ID corresponds to the query parameter pageId.

    "confluence": {
        "ancestor_id": 50370632

If using an ancestor_id you may wish to create the page automatically if it doesn’t exist. To do so, set create_root_if_missing to true.

    "confluence": {
        "ancestor_id": 50370632,
        "create_root_if_missing": true


Because confluence can’t have two pages with the same name in a space, I recommend you define a prefix for your pages.

    "confluence": { "prefix": "DAUX -" }

Update threshold

To make the upload quicker, we try to determine if a page changed or not, first with a strict comparison and if it’s not completely identical, we compute the difference.

    "confluence": { "update_threshold": 1 }

If you set update_threshold to 1, it will upload only if the page has more than 1% difference with the previous one.

By default the threshold is 2%.

Setting the value to 0 disables the feature altogether.

Delete old pages

When a page is renamed, there is no way to tell it was renamed, so when uploading to Confluence, the page will be uploaded and the old page will stay here.

By default, it will inform you that some pages aren’t needed anymore and you can delete them by hand.

    "confluence": { "delete": true }

By setting delete to true (or running daux with the --delete flag) you tell the generator that it can safely delete the pages.

Information message

When you create your page. there is no indication that the upload process will override the content of the pages.

It happens sometimes that users edit the pages to add / fix an information.

You can add a text in a “information” macro on top of the document by setting the following configuration :

    "confluence": {
        "header": "These pages are updated automatically, your changes will be overriden."

It will look like this :

Info macro

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